Repair, Installation, Maintenance - All From Your Local Roofer in Crawley | D Hunt Roofing

Choosing the right roofer is essential; opt for someone unproven or with a poor track record, and you may end up shelling out for installation or repair work that doesn’t last. But when so many roofers have Crawley in their area of coverage, how do you narrow the list down and find a roofer that will meet or well exceed your expectations? One approach is to ask the right questions. That’s the subject of D Hunt Roofing’s latest blog.

As we also serve as an experienced roofer plying our trade in Crawley and its surrounds, we’ve looked to answer the questions as we go to save you time - it’s quicker than you having to call us to get through the list! But if you have a different query, or you simply wish to use these questions to sound out other roofers in the area, do go ahead. In the case of the former, you can call a D Hunt roofer on 01293 541849 or 07850 101250.

3 Great Questions to Ask a Roofer in Crawley

Are you insured? Any roofer you sound out for work in the Crawley area should immediately be able to tell you the level of insurance they have in place. No insurance? Beware. Not only is this the sign of a cowboy, it means you’re not covered if work goes awry; and with these kinds of shady roofers, work can and will go awry! At D Hunt Roofing, we have £10 million employer’s and £5 million public liability insurance covering all the work we carry out. Peace of mind, however, is priceless.

What materials do you work with? Let's say you’re looking for a new flat roof for an extension, garage or out-building. There are a variety of materials used, and not every roofer works with them all. Yet each brings something different to the table, so it’s nice to have the option to go with something cheaper, to stay in line with a budget for example, or to pay extra for something with a longer projected lifespan and a sought after aesthetic. As Crawley’s local roofer, we make that possible by working with arange of materials including fibre glass, liquid plastic, felt, rubber and even metal.

What accreditations and memberships do you hold? There are plenty of industry schemes out there which accept roofers who can prove they meet certain standards. Quality roofers will wear theirs with pride, detailing them on their websites, and taking the opportunity to talk about them when asked. A roofer, like D Hunt in Crawley, that’s a member of Construction Line, the Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS), and is council-approved to boot, is usually sending the right signals!

For other questions, or to get a quote from an affordable and time served roofer with 40 years experience serving the Crawley area, call 01293 541849 or 07850 101250 today!